Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing Blog

My group’s editing process was very complicated. Since we did our recording on one of our group members phone, we had to use a different method to dump our footage into the computer. The way we tried to use did not work and we had to save our filming into a flash drive instead of the computer.  We came to school the next day and we were told that we had to edit our commercial. Our complications started right at the beginning. We couldn’t find a computer with internet access. We talked to our teacher and she told the class to only use one computer per group. That opened up some space and we found 3 computers next to each other. We tried all three and only 1 had the editing app Pinnacle Studios, that we need to edit our commercial. We were happy because almost all groups were having difficulties trying to find a computer containing that app. We started trying to dump our footage from the flash drive to pinnacle studios, but the app was not working. We were really frustrated because we tried more than 4 computers and none of them worked and we couldn’t get our work done.

The teachers announced that all computers had a problem so we didn’t have to worry about ending our blog. My group didn’t give up. We started the editing process using Camilo’s phone. The app that we used was iMovie. It was really easy to use and we could make the appropriate cuts to make our commercial be 30 seconds long. Our raw commercial ended up being 50 seconds, so we had a lot of editing to do. Thankfully iMovie helped and we could at least do some important cuts and fast forward some of our footage. After we did some of the cuts we started thinking about a background song to put into our commercial. We decided to use a good song that was used in one of the Nike commercials in the past.

Overall today was not a good day. We couldn’t get as much work done as we wished. The whole class is disappointed and we hope that we can get better computers in the future. Most of our computers are from almost a decade ago and they are really slow. Our group lost almost 15 minutes to just log into our accounts. That time is not comparable to the amount of time we wasted today because of malfunctions. The only good thing is that it didn’t just happen to us, it happened to the whole class so we will probably get extra time to finish up our work. A really great thing is that we did some simple editing on Camilo’s phone to get a step ahead in our project. I just hope that we are able to work during class next period. One thing is certain, our school needs new computers so we can work more efficiently.

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