Thursday, November 21, 2019

Planning Blog 2

In our music video we will have many different locations. Our music video will be based on past memories of a person, so we will have to film in a variety of places. We will first start filming at the person’s house which will be Camilo’s house since he live close to the beach. After we do our filming there, we will be going downstairs to the pool and film there too. After we film in the pool we will go to the beach and do most of our filming their since we have a really big space. When filming in the pool we have to make sure that we are safe before everything. We will make sure we don’t do risky jumps and running around the pool to make sure we are safe. We have to be even more careful when we film at the beach. We will make sure we ask permission to the lifeguard since we want to film a shot there. Our group will make sure we are safe and not doing anything that could harm or interfere with someones routine.

In our music video we will be using many different types of props. At the beach we will use sparkles to shoot one of our scenes. We will use a soccer ball as well since everyone in our group loves to play soccer. Our group is also taking shots in a car. When we film the shots in the house our idea is to show the person that is watching what we like to do with our friends, so we will be using a PS4 to represent that because we are always playing video games together. When we film at the pool we will be using a beach ball and a volleyball. At the beach we will also use soccer goals to recreate a game. We will try our best to make the memories as realistic as we can.

Since we are doing many different memories in our music video we will use many different costumes. When we film at the beach we will mainly be using swim shorts and some of us will be using shirts. Some of us might even be wearing something beach related costumes like a necklace or sandals. When we film at the pool we will be wearing almost the same outfits but with some small differences on the details of the clothes. When we film indoors at the house we will just dress up using normal comfortable clothes that we usually wear at school. If we film at the park we will be dressing up using soccer clothes because our idea is to play a game there too. This project will be really fun and I’m really excited to start filming since we will be filming outside school. We have almost everything planned out and we will try to start filming as soon as possible.

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