Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Additional Genres

Our second genre is drama. In the drama genre there are some camera angles that are used a lot. One of these shots is the close-up, this can show the emotion in their face after something bad might happen. An example of a camera movement is a tracking shot, this will be used when two people are walking and talking together. Since the genre of drama is so wide range, so is its costumes, they can range from old raggedy clothing to futuristic solid colored clothing. Just like the clothing there is also a wide variety in the lighting department, as they can be fully fined outside or they could be completely filmed in on house. For actors it is a little different. For a drama movie they will usually cast a more compelling actor instead of just a comedian. For makeup; however, it will almost always be basic makeup so that you can’t see any face blemishes like a pimple or scratch. The same thing goes for editing, it is all dependent on the movie, it is most likely that they will use a flashback somewhere in the movie. Some examples of dramas are Moonlight and Dunkirk. The elements of the films that I like are the plot lines in many dramas you can see the growth and fall of a conflict, or you can see a really big twist. Some elements that I don’t like are the amount of movies that are drama movies, the lack of diversity (in genre) of the movies today.
Our third and final genre we selected horror. A common camera angle in a horror movie is the close-up and the extreme close-up. These are used to really display the absolute terror that the characters are in. In a horror movie it is also very common to use a tracking shot. It’s most used when the subject is running away from the beast or killer. Like in the drama genre there can be a very wide variety of costumes. Most of the time; however, the protagonists are usually in regular casual outfits. In a horror movie the lighting is one of the most important aspects of the entire movie. The little sliver of light shining on the face of the scared teen can represent the little chance they have of surviving. Most horror movie are almost always in the dark of the night. For props in a horror movie there tends to be two main running props. This would be the murder weapon and a mask covering the killer’s face. For editing there is usually one main edit, and that is the jump cut. These cuts are used very quickly to show you the different places that are being affected or the suspense building as it cuts between the subject and the door. The things I like about horror movies is the edge-of-the-seat feeling you get when watching. With that; however, comes the bad, which is the fact that these movies get overly gory, which gets annoying.

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