Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting Final Task

Hi, my name is Mario, I am 16 years old and I attend Fort Lauderdale High School. I was born in Brazil and lived there until 2016 when my dad who is a soccer player got a job offer to play here in the United States. Ever since I moved here I have made many friends and that is one of the main reasons my parents decided to stay after my dads career was over. In this final task I am working with one of my good friends Xavier. We have worked together previously in our music video and commercial. We had some trouble finding our group but it finally worked out. Our last two projects came out really good so I am pretty sure that this one will be great too. It will be harder to do a good job this time since we only have 2 people in our group but I believe that we are capable of completing this task with success. We are really excited about our new task. We already came up with our ideas and are ready to film as soon as we can. 

I have learned many things throughout this year taking AICE Media Studies. With the help of my teachers I learned many new filming techniques that I could put in practice when working on my projects. These techniques were not only used when doing projects for the class, they were also used on my everyday life when taking pictures for example. I learned how to edit, film, storyboard and many other things. This class helped me realize that I might want to do something movie related when I have to work or choose a college course about filming. One of the most useful things I’ve learned is editing. Editing is really important when it comes to a music video or a movie. A video that is well edited has a lot o potential to be great because it draws people’s attention. A movie can be really well filmed but mistakes will always happen and that’s when editing comes in. I use editing so much during my life and I’m glad u could learn how to improve it in this class.

Pitch is an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. Usually with one sentence. My group and I came up with 3 pitches in total. They are all really good and we don’t know which we will use yet. The pitches are: 
1)  A WWIII draft call is made to a boy, he then has the inner struggle of telling his parents and he funnily he tells his parents.
2) A spy rolls in, he read a text, it cuts to him killing a target, he is then chased by several people and narrowly escapes.
3) We take a documentary on a random person, he tells us about his life and struggles. We play soft sad music behind it.

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