We have now completed the film. I’m glad we were able to do it efficiently. We now move onto the editing process. As I have stated on previous blogs there a few points of interest in our video. These would all be different memories. There is a jump cut from when our main character grabs the book and the opening of the book. This will then play into the oversight of the memories. We will have him skim through the pictures, which is a POV shot. Then he finds one and zooms into it. This moves into the vital transition.
This is the zoom-fade. This is where the camera and the editing software with have to work in perfect unison. We will have the camera zoom into one of the pictures, this will be a picture at the beach. Then along with the zoom we will have sort of a minor light-out so that it appears that a picture is being taken. This is probably the hardest part of our entire video. As if this is messed up, then it will kill the flow of the video. Flow is one of our main objectives of all of our entire video. We are attempting to make this a professional as possible. This can be seen in our commercial, the result looked very professional. There are also a few other transitions that will need to be perfect.
Most of these transition will be ditto to the first. They will contain a zoom in and a minor light-out. There are also; however, some similar yet different edits. This will be the zoom outs of these picture. This will be important as one picture will have to transition to another in the video. After the storyline is complete then the transition will come in. We will have the zoom out, but the picture will start off with the minor light out. Next, we will slowly reduce the light out as the camera zooms out. The final edit with have a jump cut to a wide angle of the husband sitting next to his now wife. Then finishing our editing for the video.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Monday, December 2, 2019
Filming Blog 3
On Sunday December 1st me and my group filmed the last part of our music video. First, we went to a friends house that is not in our group so we could help her film her video. She needed two more people for her video so me and Camilo helped her. The filming only took about 45 minutes to do. We finished everything and went to eat at a nearby restaurant. After eating we went straight to the park to film my part on the video. It didn’t take long since we had already filmed there the other parts of our music video. We had a small problem when one of our group members had an emergency and had to leave us. Thankfully we had filmed all his parts for the video. We collected all of our stuff and got into the car to film another scene of our music video. It was a really quick scene since it was just a video of us listening to some music in the car. We then cleaned everything and went to the beach where we would record our last scene.
At the beach we started filming a scene where we were playing soccer. It was a really fun scene to film because we all love to play soccer so we were having a lot of fun while doing our project. After that we had to wait until we filmed our last scene because it was sunny outside and our final scene is about friends on 4th of July using sparklers. Since it was sunny we had to wait until it was dark to film. While we waited we just had fun at the beach since we are all really close friends. We also discussed about the pictures we took on the first day of filming to see which we were using. It was a really hard decision because all of the pictures looked amazing. After we came with a decision, the sun started to go away so that was the perfect time to film our last scene. We made sure we were careful when messing with the sparklers since they are really dangerous. After we got done filming we decided to have dinner together and go over all the raw footage we had. After eating and going over the footage we decided to get started on the editing process using iMovie like our commercial. We finished part of the editing and I was assigned to finish the rest of it at home. After that we all went to our houses safely.
When I got home, I started the editing process. I made the proper cuts and added the song into the background of the video. It was really easy to make those additions because I got a lot of experience on iMovie because of our last project, the commercial. After I was done putting all the videos together I decided to take a break from editing. When I came back my phone was turned off and dead. My phone died and I lost most of the editing work done. When my phone turned on some of the additions I did were saved so it was really easy and fast to do everything again. After I finished everything I made sure I saved everything correctly. It was really fun to work on this project with my friends. I believe that we did really well and besides the minor setbacks we had I believe the project was really successful. We did our best to put what we did on the paper into the video and I believe we did really well on that.
At the beach we started filming a scene where we were playing soccer. It was a really fun scene to film because we all love to play soccer so we were having a lot of fun while doing our project. After that we had to wait until we filmed our last scene because it was sunny outside and our final scene is about friends on 4th of July using sparklers. Since it was sunny we had to wait until it was dark to film. While we waited we just had fun at the beach since we are all really close friends. We also discussed about the pictures we took on the first day of filming to see which we were using. It was a really hard decision because all of the pictures looked amazing. After we came with a decision, the sun started to go away so that was the perfect time to film our last scene. We made sure we were careful when messing with the sparklers since they are really dangerous. After we got done filming we decided to have dinner together and go over all the raw footage we had. After eating and going over the footage we decided to get started on the editing process using iMovie like our commercial. We finished part of the editing and I was assigned to finish the rest of it at home. After that we all went to our houses safely.
When I got home, I started the editing process. I made the proper cuts and added the song into the background of the video. It was really easy to make those additions because I got a lot of experience on iMovie because of our last project, the commercial. After I was done putting all the videos together I decided to take a break from editing. When I came back my phone was turned off and dead. My phone died and I lost most of the editing work done. When my phone turned on some of the additions I did were saved so it was really easy and fast to do everything again. After I finished everything I made sure I saved everything correctly. It was really fun to work on this project with my friends. I believe that we did really well and besides the minor setbacks we had I believe the project was really successful. We did our best to put what we did on the paper into the video and I believe we did really well on that.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Filming Blog 2
This past weekend my group decided to film our music video. I left town on Saturday to play a game for my soccer team in Orlando without knowing anything. We went on a 1 day trip but my parents decided to stay there since the next day was a Sunday and I had no school. At around 10pm on Saturday one of the members in my group decided they wanted to film on Sunday since he had nothing else to do. Everyone agreed on filming except for me since I was out of town and could not possibly make it there in time.They decided to film the parts that I wasn’t going to be on on Sunday and next weekend we will film my parts since they are not many because I’m not the main character. They started filming at about 4pm and ended at about 7pm. I kept in touch with them and after the were done I was sent some pictures and footage of the video. Everything looked really good since Camilo’s phone camera quality is really good and he is an awesome cameraman.
They first started filming at a park. We invited two of our friends that are not in our class to be part of the filming and they accepted it. They were part of the the scene where we play soccer in a park. The scene came out to be really good and in my opinion it was the best one. We also filmed at a bridge where one of our group members jumped into the lake. We made sure that the place was safe before we filmed the scene and they also had an adult with them in case anything wrong would happen. The scenes that we didn’t film yet are the scenes on the car, beach and the house. I’ll be part of the scene at the beach and in the car. They are really simple scenes and hopefully we will be able to get them done by this week since we have a long break with no school. For now everything is going according to our plan.
We plan on filming the rest of our music video on Wednesday, November 27th. Our plan is to go to Camilo’s house and film there the whole day. Camilo lives close to the beach so we will be able to film all 3 scenes in one location. We are buying candles and fireworks to film at the beach. In one of the scenes we will try to act like it is 4th of July so we need some fireworks. We made sure that one of Camilo’s family members will be there so they can assist us with the fireworks since they are dangerous. I believe that we are doing a really good job on our project so far. Our scenes are coming out exactly the way we want them to be. We are far in front of some groups and we will be one of the first ones to finish filming. The timing is really good, because if something goes wrong our we can’t do something, we can change plans and think about what we should do next since we have plenty of time until everything is due. I really enjoy working on this project, and I’m very excited to film again. Hopefully nothing will go wrong and we can finish up our filming process as soon as possible.
They first started filming at a park. We invited two of our friends that are not in our class to be part of the filming and they accepted it. They were part of the the scene where we play soccer in a park. The scene came out to be really good and in my opinion it was the best one. We also filmed at a bridge where one of our group members jumped into the lake. We made sure that the place was safe before we filmed the scene and they also had an adult with them in case anything wrong would happen. The scenes that we didn’t film yet are the scenes on the car, beach and the house. I’ll be part of the scene at the beach and in the car. They are really simple scenes and hopefully we will be able to get them done by this week since we have a long break with no school. For now everything is going according to our plan.
We plan on filming the rest of our music video on Wednesday, November 27th. Our plan is to go to Camilo’s house and film there the whole day. Camilo lives close to the beach so we will be able to film all 3 scenes in one location. We are buying candles and fireworks to film at the beach. In one of the scenes we will try to act like it is 4th of July so we need some fireworks. We made sure that one of Camilo’s family members will be there so they can assist us with the fireworks since they are dangerous. I believe that we are doing a really good job on our project so far. Our scenes are coming out exactly the way we want them to be. We are far in front of some groups and we will be one of the first ones to finish filming. The timing is really good, because if something goes wrong our we can’t do something, we can change plans and think about what we should do next since we have plenty of time until everything is due. I really enjoy working on this project, and I’m very excited to film again. Hopefully nothing will go wrong and we can finish up our filming process as soon as possible.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Storyboard blog 2
At the beginning of our storyboard it starts off with a adult man on the beach with a book of memories. This will be the establishing shot and it will also be a wide angle. Then, on the next box there is a shot of the book, held by the adult. On this book there is a picture of him and his friends. This is an insert of the book, with the pictures in the book, including pictures at a basketball court or a restaurant. This next step is very crucial to our editing process, as this will probably be the hardest part of the music video. We will lock onto on of the pictures, which will be the friends locking arms. We will then zoom into the picture and zoom out into the actual beach. This will be hard because the smooth transition will be crucial for the flow of the video. We are thinking of doing a fade transition and a color transition.
The next box is a tracking shot from behind the car that we are driving in. This is the first shot of our general flash back scene. We then proceed to meet up with the girls at the beach and begin the main part of our video. We then begin to walk the beach together in the night, this could be adjusted for filming purposes. Then we begin the real fun, the pyrotechnics. The very next square is where we have the pairs playing with sparklers on the beach. This will paint a beautiful picture as the contrast from the sparks and the nights will created that tone. After we have a few visuals of the sparklers, we will have some sort of fireworks like some Roman candles. This will be accompanied by the dancing of the friends. This will be perfect for the music as it is more of an upbeat and party song.
Next, we move into the third phase of the video, which is the relative ending. The first box of this phase is where we will have one of the friends separate form the rest and sit. They will just be watching the moonlight in the calm of the night. We will then fade to the friends coming together to take a picture. This will be a picture that we started of with in the book. It will zoom out and the picture with be in the book. Next we will cut to a wide angle of the adult version of the subject sitting at a table in the beach. He is then approached by the adult version of his date, they are now married and living happily. Then, we will fade to an image of the couple sitting on the beach watching the sunset. Finally, we will have a drone shot of the sunset from high in the sky. Thus concluding our music video.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Planning Blog 2
In our music video we will have many different locations. Our music video will be based on past memories of a person, so we will have to film in a variety of places. We will first start filming at the person’s house which will be Camilo’s house since he live close to the beach. After we do our filming there, we will be going downstairs to the pool and film there too. After we film in the pool we will go to the beach and do most of our filming their since we have a really big space. When filming in the pool we have to make sure that we are safe before everything. We will make sure we don’t do risky jumps and running around the pool to make sure we are safe. We have to be even more careful when we film at the beach. We will make sure we ask permission to the lifeguard since we want to film a shot there. Our group will make sure we are safe and not doing anything that could harm or interfere with someones routine.
In our music video we will be using many different types of props. At the beach we will use sparkles to shoot one of our scenes. We will use a soccer ball as well since everyone in our group loves to play soccer. Our group is also taking shots in a car. When we film the shots in the house our idea is to show the person that is watching what we like to do with our friends, so we will be using a PS4 to represent that because we are always playing video games together. When we film at the pool we will be using a beach ball and a volleyball. At the beach we will also use soccer goals to recreate a game. We will try our best to make the memories as realistic as we can.
Since we are doing many different memories in our music video we will use many different costumes. When we film at the beach we will mainly be using swim shorts and some of us will be using shirts. Some of us might even be wearing something beach related costumes like a necklace or sandals. When we film at the pool we will be wearing almost the same outfits but with some small differences on the details of the clothes. When we film indoors at the house we will just dress up using normal comfortable clothes that we usually wear at school. If we film at the park we will be dressing up using soccer clothes because our idea is to play a game there too. This project will be really fun and I’m really excited to start filming since we will be filming outside school. We have almost everything planned out and we will try to start filming as soon as possible.
In our music video we will be using many different types of props. At the beach we will use sparkles to shoot one of our scenes. We will use a soccer ball as well since everyone in our group loves to play soccer. Our group is also taking shots in a car. When we film the shots in the house our idea is to show the person that is watching what we like to do with our friends, so we will be using a PS4 to represent that because we are always playing video games together. When we film at the pool we will be using a beach ball and a volleyball. At the beach we will also use soccer goals to recreate a game. We will try our best to make the memories as realistic as we can.
Since we are doing many different memories in our music video we will use many different costumes. When we film at the beach we will mainly be using swim shorts and some of us will be using shirts. Some of us might even be wearing something beach related costumes like a necklace or sandals. When we film at the pool we will be wearing almost the same outfits but with some small differences on the details of the clothes. When we film indoors at the house we will just dress up using normal comfortable clothes that we usually wear at school. If we film at the park we will be dressing up using soccer clothes because our idea is to play a game there too. This project will be really fun and I’m really excited to start filming since we will be filming outside school. We have almost everything planned out and we will try to start filming as soon as possible.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Codes and Conventions 2
We are finally done with our commercial project. Today, we were assigned our music video project. On this project we will be recording a music video outside school. The minimum is 1:05 seconds and the maximum is 1:15 minutes of recording. I’m really excited to record this music video, since we have to record it outside school we have many ideas to implement and I have a really good feeling about them. I had a really grade time filming our commercial so I’m really excited to shoot this music video. We chose the song Rocketeer by Far East Movement. We already have everything planned out for our music video. We will try our best to tell a good story using this song. I believe that my group and I will do really good on this project due to the fact that all of us are on the same page when it comes to the ideas to shoot the video. We will try to record the music video as soon as possible to try to avoid inconveniences. Since all of us have extra curricular activities like soccer for example we will probably record our video on a weekend.
The song we are using is called Rocketeer. We have watched the whole music video together. I really like their music video. They don’t really try to tell a story, they just record a bunch of people having fun and doing what they like. Our video will be completely different. We will try to tell a story about a man that is going through a book with pictures of when he was young. When looking and the pictures he remembers everything that he did with his friends when he was younger. This is a really good idea and it fits really well with the song. The song has a high beat so we will make sure our music video is very animated and fun so it matches the song.
1. In our music video we will be on the beach, so we would be wearing bathing suits. There will be other times, however, were we will be on a basketball court for a picture, in which we will be wearing clothes for basketball. There will also be a picture that we will be in a restaurant and laughing, so we will be wearing regular attire, maybe jeans and a t-shirt.
2. In most of the pictures in the book, it will be daytime. This is except for the picture that we will zoom into, which will be set at night. We might use a flash for some shots though.
3. In our music video we will have an adult hat is later in life, maybe a father, that will grab the book an open it. Then the pictures will be of us at the beach or in a restaurant. Once it zooms into the main picture, we will have a few teenagers acting naturally. We will be at the beach playing volleyball or playing with sparklers.
4. We will not be using make-up in our video, as we want to put out a natural and relaxed mood. There might be somebody wearing make-up, but it would be coincidental.
5. Throughout the video we will be using a hefty amount of props. This could include the sparklers that we are using at the beach. It would also include the book of pictures that will be used at the beginning of the video. There also might be some other props like a basketball at the court, or some food at the restaurant.
6. The video will start off inside of a house, in a room, where the subject will grab the book. Then we will have different settings in all the pictures in the book, like a park or a basketball court. The main setting; however, will be at the beach.
The song we are using is called Rocketeer. We have watched the whole music video together. I really like their music video. They don’t really try to tell a story, they just record a bunch of people having fun and doing what they like. Our video will be completely different. We will try to tell a story about a man that is going through a book with pictures of when he was young. When looking and the pictures he remembers everything that he did with his friends when he was younger. This is a really good idea and it fits really well with the song. The song has a high beat so we will make sure our music video is very animated and fun so it matches the song.
1. In our music video we will be on the beach, so we would be wearing bathing suits. There will be other times, however, were we will be on a basketball court for a picture, in which we will be wearing clothes for basketball. There will also be a picture that we will be in a restaurant and laughing, so we will be wearing regular attire, maybe jeans and a t-shirt.
2. In most of the pictures in the book, it will be daytime. This is except for the picture that we will zoom into, which will be set at night. We might use a flash for some shots though.
3. In our music video we will have an adult hat is later in life, maybe a father, that will grab the book an open it. Then the pictures will be of us at the beach or in a restaurant. Once it zooms into the main picture, we will have a few teenagers acting naturally. We will be at the beach playing volleyball or playing with sparklers.
4. We will not be using make-up in our video, as we want to put out a natural and relaxed mood. There might be somebody wearing make-up, but it would be coincidental.
5. Throughout the video we will be using a hefty amount of props. This could include the sparklers that we are using at the beach. It would also include the book of pictures that will be used at the beginning of the video. There also might be some other props like a basketball at the court, or some food at the restaurant.
6. The video will start off inside of a house, in a room, where the subject will grab the book. Then we will have different settings in all the pictures in the book, like a park or a basketball court. The main setting; however, will be at the beach.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Editing Blog Pt2
After all the difficulties we had last class we finally got to work on editing our commercial during class. The computers provided by the school weren’t working very well so they provided us with a laptop cart with pinnacle studios installed in all 20 computers. Since our class is really big not all groups could use the laptops at the same time. Our teachers came up with the idea to separate the class in two. While one side of the room was working on editing the commercial the other was planning how they were going to do it. We had 30 minutes with the laptops before we had to turn them in to the next group. We were lucky because one of the teachers told one of our group members Xavier, that they were gonna use that method the day before. Xavier was the first one in class and we got a laptop really fast and got to work very quickly. The problem was that it was the first time we were logging on that laptop so it took us many minutes to be able to use it. After everything loaded we went on the app and got right to work.
The laptops were a bit slow but nothing we couldn’t deal with. We dumped all our footage from a folder into the app and started making the cuts that were necessary. Our raw footage was almost 50 seconds so we had to cut short many scenes. We also fast forward a scene so we could keep the time limit that is required. Xavier was putting the videos in order and making the appropriate cuts while me and Camilo were discussing what song we were going to add to the background and how we would do it. Me and Camilo chose a song and when we were about to add it to the background the thing that we most feared happened. The computer crashed. We were really disappointed because we made some progress and we lost everything. We decided then to give up on using the materials provided by the school and just use what we have. We edited our commercial using iMovie on Camilo’s computer. We made the appropriate cuts and added our background song correctly. We then added slow motion at the end of the last scene when the Nike logo pops up to draw attention to it. After doing that we ran out of time so we decided to work together at home.
Camilo finished the last details at home because he had all the footage on his phone. Before leaving we decide to add a narration of a goal to our commercial with the background song to give a good effect of a game taking place. I sent Camilo the audio and he put it in the right section and it looked really good. It was a last minute idea that gave our commercial a good touch. Camilo also edited the distribution of sound in our commercial. When the audio from the song transitions into the audio of the narration we lowered the volume of the song by 60% so we could still listen to the beat but also listen to the words the narrator was saying. After he was done speaking we raised the volume back up to when the Nike symbol come in, and that came out really good. Overall our commercial came out to be way better than we expected. Besides the troubles we had dumping our footage and using the computer the school provided I believe that me and my group did a really great job.
The laptops were a bit slow but nothing we couldn’t deal with. We dumped all our footage from a folder into the app and started making the cuts that were necessary. Our raw footage was almost 50 seconds so we had to cut short many scenes. We also fast forward a scene so we could keep the time limit that is required. Xavier was putting the videos in order and making the appropriate cuts while me and Camilo were discussing what song we were going to add to the background and how we would do it. Me and Camilo chose a song and when we were about to add it to the background the thing that we most feared happened. The computer crashed. We were really disappointed because we made some progress and we lost everything. We decided then to give up on using the materials provided by the school and just use what we have. We edited our commercial using iMovie on Camilo’s computer. We made the appropriate cuts and added our background song correctly. We then added slow motion at the end of the last scene when the Nike logo pops up to draw attention to it. After doing that we ran out of time so we decided to work together at home.
Camilo finished the last details at home because he had all the footage on his phone. Before leaving we decide to add a narration of a goal to our commercial with the background song to give a good effect of a game taking place. I sent Camilo the audio and he put it in the right section and it looked really good. It was a last minute idea that gave our commercial a good touch. Camilo also edited the distribution of sound in our commercial. When the audio from the song transitions into the audio of the narration we lowered the volume of the song by 60% so we could still listen to the beat but also listen to the words the narrator was saying. After he was done speaking we raised the volume back up to when the Nike symbol come in, and that came out really good. Overall our commercial came out to be way better than we expected. Besides the troubles we had dumping our footage and using the computer the school provided I believe that me and my group did a really great job.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Editing Blog
My group’s editing process was very complicated. Since we did our recording on one of our group members phone, we had to use a different method to dump our footage into the computer. The way we tried to use did not work and we had to save our filming into a flash drive instead of the computer. We came to school the next day and we were told that we had to edit our commercial. Our complications started right at the beginning. We couldn’t find a computer with internet access. We talked to our teacher and she told the class to only use one computer per group. That opened up some space and we found 3 computers next to each other. We tried all three and only 1 had the editing app Pinnacle Studios, that we need to edit our commercial. We were happy because almost all groups were having difficulties trying to find a computer containing that app. We started trying to dump our footage from the flash drive to pinnacle studios, but the app was not working. We were really frustrated because we tried more than 4 computers and none of them worked and we couldn’t get our work done.
The teachers announced that all computers had a problem so we didn’t have to worry about ending our blog. My group didn’t give up. We started the editing process using Camilo’s phone. The app that we used was iMovie. It was really easy to use and we could make the appropriate cuts to make our commercial be 30 seconds long. Our raw commercial ended up being 50 seconds, so we had a lot of editing to do. Thankfully iMovie helped and we could at least do some important cuts and fast forward some of our footage. After we did some of the cuts we started thinking about a background song to put into our commercial. We decided to use a good song that was used in one of the Nike commercials in the past.
Overall today was not a good day. We couldn’t get as much work done as we wished. The whole class is disappointed and we hope that we can get better computers in the future. Most of our computers are from almost a decade ago and they are really slow. Our group lost almost 15 minutes to just log into our accounts. That time is not comparable to the amount of time we wasted today because of malfunctions. The only good thing is that it didn’t just happen to us, it happened to the whole class so we will probably get extra time to finish up our work. A really great thing is that we did some simple editing on Camilo’s phone to get a step ahead in our project. I just hope that we are able to work during class next period. One thing is certain, our school needs new computers so we can work more efficiently.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Filming Blog
Last class me and my group started the filming process of our commercial. We were provided a camera, a tripod an SD card and cases for everything. We first started by signing the agreement sheet that let’s us use the school’s materials in our own responsibility. After that we were then provided with the camera and the other accessories. We headed to the school’s soccer field, where our project would be recorded. When we arrived we set everything up and were ready to record really quickly. We noticed that the camera quality wasn’t so good, so we tried recording with Camilo’s phone, and that ended up being a great idea because it was easier to record and the camera quality was better. The only problem with that change was that we couldn’t fit the phone on the tripod, so we had to re film some takes because the camera was shaking. We also got really lucky because it rained the day before so there were some puddles and we were able to improvise and get a really cool shot using the water, that ended up being our best one. We also improvised on some of our script because we weren’t able to get enough people to make a crowd so we took that out of our commercial.
My group was made up of 3 people. The group consisted of me, Camilo and Xavier. We separated ourselves in 3 different tasks. I was the actor, Camilo was the camera man and Xavier is the editor. What I had to do the whole time was act. I honestly don’t believe I’m a good actor but I think I did pretty good considering the fact that it only took us 20 minutes to record our whole commercial with extra takes and more. Our commercial was really well planned so when it came time to film all three of us were ready to do what we had to in the least amount of time possible. The commercial was all about soccer which is a sport that I play in real life, so some of the skills were easy to do because it’s something that I do on a daily basis. The most difficult shot we had was one that I had to score a goal from really far away, but we handled it pretty well with Camilo’s filming skills and my soccer skills we filmed that take in less than 5 tries. The filming part of our commercial went pretty smoothly and we really enjoyed doing it.
Our problems started to happen after the filming was done. After we finished filming we went to the bathroom to change our clothes since it was really hot outside. After changing we went back to the classroom and returned the sheet and all the materials provided from the school to us. After returning everything we were told that we had to dump all of our footage to the computer. We noticed that the process that we were going to do before would take a way a lot of the quality of our film because google drive compiles all the videos making the quality lower. So what we decided to do was to send all the videos to the computer using a charger but the computer was really slow and it wouldn’t load. When the computer finally loaded it gave us an error and we couldn’t find a way to dump our footage into the computer to get a grade. After many tries we ran out of time and the bell rang, our teacher allowed two of us to stay and try to finish dumping. Xavier and Camilo stayed because Camilo owes the phone and Xavier is an expert on computers, I went to class hoping they would get everything done. After 30 minutes we were finally able to dump our footage with quality to the school computer. Overall, our group did really well on this project and I had a lot of fun making it.
My group was made up of 3 people. The group consisted of me, Camilo and Xavier. We separated ourselves in 3 different tasks. I was the actor, Camilo was the camera man and Xavier is the editor. What I had to do the whole time was act. I honestly don’t believe I’m a good actor but I think I did pretty good considering the fact that it only took us 20 minutes to record our whole commercial with extra takes and more. Our commercial was really well planned so when it came time to film all three of us were ready to do what we had to in the least amount of time possible. The commercial was all about soccer which is a sport that I play in real life, so some of the skills were easy to do because it’s something that I do on a daily basis. The most difficult shot we had was one that I had to score a goal from really far away, but we handled it pretty well with Camilo’s filming skills and my soccer skills we filmed that take in less than 5 tries. The filming part of our commercial went pretty smoothly and we really enjoyed doing it.
Our problems started to happen after the filming was done. After we finished filming we went to the bathroom to change our clothes since it was really hot outside. After changing we went back to the classroom and returned the sheet and all the materials provided from the school to us. After returning everything we were told that we had to dump all of our footage to the computer. We noticed that the process that we were going to do before would take a way a lot of the quality of our film because google drive compiles all the videos making the quality lower. So what we decided to do was to send all the videos to the computer using a charger but the computer was really slow and it wouldn’t load. When the computer finally loaded it gave us an error and we couldn’t find a way to dump our footage into the computer to get a grade. After many tries we ran out of time and the bell rang, our teacher allowed two of us to stay and try to finish dumping. Xavier and Camilo stayed because Camilo owes the phone and Xavier is an expert on computers, I went to class hoping they would get everything done. After 30 minutes we were finally able to dump our footage with quality to the school computer. Overall, our group did really well on this project and I had a lot of fun making it.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
For our commercial storyboard, we will include shots such as a wide shot where our subject is looking at the goal before practice. We will also use a close up on the Nike cleats and the soccer ball. Along with the close up we will include an extreme close up on the subject’s eye, nose and mouth. There will be an over the shoulder shot when the subject is walking from his car towards the field. In that same scene we will also be using a tracking shot as we are filming the subject walk to a different location.
Along with shots we will also be using different camera movements. One of these movements will be a tilt when we film the ball going to the goal. We will also use a pan when our subject is placing the ball on the ground to take his free kick. Another camera movement will be a zoom, this will be used when we zoom the into the ball and the cleats.
Editing will play a big part in our commercial. Our main edit/transition will be a jump cut. Some examples will be when our subject walking to the field we will cut to when he is putting on his cleats already in the field. A very important part in our film will be a graphic match, this will be used when we do a close up of the ball, it will cut from day to night, and practice to game. Our last shot will be an insert, it will be at the very end when the subject scores, this will cut into a Nike symbol.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Editing Blog
Today October 14th 2019 In class, we learned the procedures of what we will have to do on the day we film and on the days we edit our commercials. In the begging we were taught how to check out the cameras. Our teacher explained how we were supposed to manage the camera and its components, like the SD card and the tripod. We were told how to fill out the the forms to rent the camera, so when the day of the filming comes we will be prepared to do what we are supposed to fast so we can have as much class time we can to film our commercial. After we learned about the agreement sheet we learned how to manage the tripod. I payed attention very carefully to the instructions because one small mistake could cost us the commercial or even worse, break the camera in some way.We will edit our commercial using pinnacle studios and to do that we need a log in and password from one person of our group. It is important that we always use the same person to log in so we can edit our commercial.
Our teacher went over every single little detail on how to use pinnacle studio. She taught us how to save programs, cut, add light or take away light and many other things. This period helped us a lot because when we get all the footage done it won’t take long for us to finish the editing and be done with our project. We also learned how to “dump” our footage from the camera into pinnacle studios safely, so we don’t have any risks of losing our footage and have to re shoot it again. I could tell that Mrs.Marchionne was an excerpt on pinnacle studios because they way she was explaining us how to do our editing was very clarifying and easy to understand. A really important point that our teacher made was that it is important for us to write the person that we are using log in and password because in case that the person is absent my group would still be able to finish our work easily.
Overall this class period was very helpful for me and my group because none of us new how to use the materials that the school provides for us properly. We also didn’t know how to edit on pinnacle studios, and even to dump the footage from the camera to the computer properly. Mrs.Marchionne’s explanation was really good and helped me and my group to understand the procedures and how to do what we have to do right and in the easiest way possible. She was very clear on her explanation and that was really easy to comprehend. Me and my group are ready to get started on filming. We will make sure we handle all the materials carefully. We will also edit our commercial the way our teacher taught us. Hopefully we will be able to do on the field exactly what we have planned on the transcript paper and get a good grade on this project.
Our teacher went over every single little detail on how to use pinnacle studio. She taught us how to save programs, cut, add light or take away light and many other things. This period helped us a lot because when we get all the footage done it won’t take long for us to finish the editing and be done with our project. We also learned how to “dump” our footage from the camera into pinnacle studios safely, so we don’t have any risks of losing our footage and have to re shoot it again. I could tell that Mrs.Marchionne was an excerpt on pinnacle studios because they way she was explaining us how to do our editing was very clarifying and easy to understand. A really important point that our teacher made was that it is important for us to write the person that we are using log in and password because in case that the person is absent my group would still be able to finish our work easily.
Overall this class period was very helpful for me and my group because none of us new how to use the materials that the school provides for us properly. We also didn’t know how to edit on pinnacle studios, and even to dump the footage from the camera to the computer properly. Mrs.Marchionne’s explanation was really good and helped me and my group to understand the procedures and how to do what we have to do right and in the easiest way possible. She was very clear on her explanation and that was really easy to comprehend. Me and my group are ready to get started on filming. We will make sure we handle all the materials carefully. We will also edit our commercial the way our teacher taught us. Hopefully we will be able to do on the field exactly what we have planned on the transcript paper and get a good grade on this project.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Planning Blog For Nike Commercial
On October 7, 2019, our commercial project was assigned. In this commercial Camilo, Xavier, and I have decided to work together. In our group discussion we have chosen to go with the idea to be a Nike based commercial, and will focus on the soccer aspect of the company. Our idea is to have an individual come out of the car with their “Nike” bag. Then as the individual walks towards the field the camera view switches to a over the shoulder shot. After this shot has been captured we will then transition to the player putting on his “Nike” cleats and we capture a close up of the cleats being tied up. Next the individual is shooting the ball and constant clips of him shooting on the keeper is captured. Lastly a slow motion video is captured as the individual rockets a shot into the top corner. Thus ending the scene with the nike logo and the phrase “it starts from the beginning” quote.
Today, October 10th, we will be working on the planning of our commercial. This will contain the parameters of our, props, costumes, locations, and our back-up plan. Then, about four days later, on October 14, we will be storyboarding our commercial. This will really set in stone our plan for the final product. Finally, the day will come, eight days later we will be filming at the field; however, we will be on a tight schedule as we have about 90 minutes to film put whole project. We will in have to have all our props ready.
In this project we will need a car, nike cleats, a nike bag, a nike soccer ball, goalkeeper gloves, and the use of the Fort Lauderdale High School soccer field and the parking lot. With all this equipment and being allowed to use the field it will greatly help to make this commercial a great success. Furthermore, the individuals in the film will be wearing Nike apparel, as it is vital to show the Nike symbol at all time.
If by any chance there is no possibility of using the field or parking lot. We have come up with the idea that the High school’s men locker room will be the best choice to go with as we can still make a great commercial as we take the aspect of preparing before the game even starts.
Today, October 10th, we will be working on the planning of our commercial. This will contain the parameters of our, props, costumes, locations, and our back-up plan. Then, about four days later, on October 14, we will be storyboarding our commercial. This will really set in stone our plan for the final product. Finally, the day will come, eight days later we will be filming at the field; however, we will be on a tight schedule as we have about 90 minutes to film put whole project. We will in have to have all our props ready.
In this project we will need a car, nike cleats, a nike bag, a nike soccer ball, goalkeeper gloves, and the use of the Fort Lauderdale High School soccer field and the parking lot. With all this equipment and being allowed to use the field it will greatly help to make this commercial a great success. Furthermore, the individuals in the film will be wearing Nike apparel, as it is vital to show the Nike symbol at all time.
If by any chance there is no possibility of using the field or parking lot. We have come up with the idea that the High school’s men locker room will be the best choice to go with as we can still make a great commercial as we take the aspect of preparing before the game even starts.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Codes and conventions
In our project we will be taking the approach of a Nike commercial. Due to the fact that Nike commercials are focused on the aspect of sports it is completely essential that the ad contains anything athletic. This could be sports equipment, sports clothe, or athletes. If the video does not consist of any of this then it will have a drastic impact on the message of advertisement due to the fact that when people see Nike they see a powerful and striking image.
Furthermore, in a Nike commercial it always makes sure to portray the Nike “swoosh” symbol. The reason for this is that the symbol has become renowned world-wide. If the Nike symbol were to not be shown it would possibly make the commercial seem much weaker due to the reason that it doesn’t carry so much weight as it would if it actually did have the symbol present in the advertisement.
All around the world Nike is known as the best brand for soccer products, such as cleats,balls, gloves, shin guards and etc. In our commercial we are trying to show how dominant Nike is on the soccer market. We will show how it’s slogan, “Just Do It” apply to their products.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Hi, my name is Mario, I am 16 years old and I attend Fort Lauderdale High School. I was born in Brazil and lived my whole life there until 2016, when my dad got an offer to come play soccer professionally in the United States. My family was really excited but also scared because it was a different country and none of us spoke English at the time. We came and that was one of the best decisions of our lives. In the beginning it was pretty hard but, we got used to it and by the first year me and my sister were speaking English fluently. My parents are still learning but their progress is very noticeable.
My dream for the future is to become a professional soccer player just like my dad and my grandpa. Soccer grew on me since I was 2. My dad used to take me to his practices and I would just kick a soccer ball for the whole day every day. By watching him I started loving the sport and started playing for a team when I was 6. When we moved here I started playing soccer for school and that was an amazing experience because we dont have school soccer in Brazil, and that just made my passion for soccer grow even more.
This year is my junior year and by far it is the hardest one of them all. I am taking 4 AICE classes this year including Media which is my favorite because of the context, the teachers, and because I have a lot of friends there. Next year I want my year to be more relaxing then this one, but I doubt that is going to happen because of all the service hours and worrying about what college you want to go to. My dream college is UCF, not only because they are a great college but they also have a D1 soccer team, and I feel like I could really get a scholarship there.
My dream for the future is to become a professional soccer player just like my dad and my grandpa. Soccer grew on me since I was 2. My dad used to take me to his practices and I would just kick a soccer ball for the whole day every day. By watching him I started loving the sport and started playing for a team when I was 6. When we moved here I started playing soccer for school and that was an amazing experience because we dont have school soccer in Brazil, and that just made my passion for soccer grow even more.
This year is my junior year and by far it is the hardest one of them all. I am taking 4 AICE classes this year including Media which is my favorite because of the context, the teachers, and because I have a lot of friends there. Next year I want my year to be more relaxing then this one, but I doubt that is going to happen because of all the service hours and worrying about what college you want to go to. My dream college is UCF, not only because they are a great college but they also have a D1 soccer team, and I feel like I could really get a scholarship there.
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