Monday, March 2, 2020

Filming blog: Our issues with filming

When we were filming last weekend, we ran into a few issues. The first one began with our camera. We used a school camera to film the first few scenes, but the camera would not let us film more than a few seconds at a time and eventually didn't let us film at all. We had to switch to a different camera, so we moved the SD card to a camera that my friend had. However, for some reason the footage was not saved. We had to reshoot all of the clips we filmed, about 5 or 6, on the new camera. This ended up working out and we shot the first half of the film. Then the camera died, our second issue. We had to let it recharge for about an hour which wasted a lot of time. We also ate at this time in order to save whatever time we had. After the camera was almost fully recharged, we filmed whatever was left to film in the house. We then had to go to the airport to finish. The first issue here is that we had to pay for parking. It was around $10. This wasn't a big issue it was just more of an annoyance. We were at the airport for about 30 minutes. It was really busy so we had no way of clearing a path for us to film. This resulted in some people getting in the shot or walking in front of the camera, causing us to have to reshoot a few times. It was also really loud because of all the people. We had to talk really loudly, and basically yell over the noise. We also had to reshoot the talking scenes a few times in order to make sure the sound was perfect and that we could be heard in the video. Overall, these were the only issues we had.

(We made pizza while waiting for our camera to recharge)

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