Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer review: watching another group’s film

One thing I really liked about their film was the storyline or the idea. I think that the movie was underdeveloped and hard to understand, but the thought process behind it was good. The film was about a girl being kidnapped from what I could tell. While this is a very generic thriller storyline, I think it could have been an interesting film. I have a few suggestions, but my biggest one would be the transitions between scenes. It was very obvious that there wasn’t any editing done for in between scenes. For example, you could see the actor walking back to the camera to end the clip. I think it looks unprofessional considering it’s not supposed to be a documentary type movie. Another suggestion I would make is making the kidnapping scene more realistic. In the film the guy just grabs the girl and puts her in the back of the car with no struggle and drives away. This obviously would not happen in reality. I think that to make it more realistic, she should try to run away or get tied up or get knocked out. Also, the scene where he locks her in the car and drives away is repeated. Another big issue was the lack of titles. There was not a single title so I didn’t know what the name of the movie was, who was in it, etc. In addition to all this the movie was one minute over the time it was supposed to be. There were quite a few issues with shots and angles as well. They only had about six of the fourteen we were supposed to have. I hope that this group will take my criticism constructively and adjust their film accordingly. I think that once they’re done it can be a great film.

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