Monday, March 16, 2020

Re-edit Blog: Why we couldn’t re-edit

After the peer review during class 2 weeks ago me and my partner decided to reshoot a couple of scenes in our movie. Our original plan was to reshoot those scenes the weekend of peer review day. Due to some inconveniences me and my partner weren’t able to reshoot those scenes and we had to postpone our reshoot to the week after. What we didn’t know was that the Covid-19 virus was going to have a massive outbreak in the United States that week. The outbreak forced schools to close and people to be stuck in their homes for a while. Because of the virus me and my partner weren’t able to reshoot the scenes making it impossible to re-edit most of our movie. I went over our movie and watched it a couple of times and tried to find any mistakes or things I could’ve done better when it came to the editing process. I couldn’t find nothing major but I was still able to fix some minor cuts to make them feel smoother. I also edited edited some scenes out of the movie to cut some time off of it since our movie went over the maximum time which was 2 minutes. Those were very insignificant changes and when we finally reshoot our scenes there will definitely be big editing changes being made. Our school is supposed to go back to normal on April 4th. Hopefully after that me and my partner can meet up and finish our movie once and for all. The situation we are living on right now is very scary. Luckily for us most of the assignments we have to do for this class are online and we are able to complete most of them with success. Currently my family and friends are safe and I hope we can make it through this without anyone getting infected. I really hope things get back to normal very soon we can get things back on track. Hopefully everyone will be safe and me and my partner can start working on our project again.

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