Friday, December 25, 2020

Editing blog

 Merry Christmas! Even though today is a holiday we still have work to do. Today I started on the editing process of our film. For me this is one of the most exciting parts. It is when you can tell how your movie will actually look like outside of the storyboard. We still have a couple of scenes to reshoot but we decided to start editing the material that we already have. It is important to get a head start because we don’t know if we are going to run into some problems while editing. It is good to be ahead of time because if anything happens we have time to fix it before the deadline. I really like to edit short videos and pictures. I came up with the conclusion that editing short videos and pictures is totally different then editing a short film. There is way more work to be put when editing a short film. There are a lot of small details that me and my partner need to pay attention to to make our movie great. I’ve been making a lot of research to gain knowledge on editing. I’ve learned a couple of things but I can definitely learn more. I’m also planning on downloading a new editing app on my computer. The currently app that I use is really slow and doesn’t offer many options when it comes to editing. My partner Xavi is a really good editor. He’s been teaching me a lot ever since we started working together. I believe we make a great team, and that our movie will be greatly filmed and edited. 

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