Thursday, December 24, 2020

Re-shooting blog


Today me and my partner decided to re-film. After watching the raw product of our short film we decided that we didn’t like how some scenes turned out. A couple of scenes didn’t come out the way we expected so we decided to re-film and change them a bit. We wanted to re-film our scenes but since it was to close to Christmas and both me and my partner will be out of town we decided to postpone it to next week. I really wish we could’ve filmed this week. I hate the feeling that something isn’t right with what we did. I want to fix this issue as soon as possible and I will. Besides that I really liked how the other scenes looked. They turned out exactly how we planned and I’m really happy. I’m going to start editing them very soon. I’m not sure if I should start editing the scenes I like right now or wait until I finish reshooting the rest of my film. It’s nice to have everything done and prepared for the editing process. It is also nice to get a head start and to speed things up. Our movie is developing in a good pace so I don’t think I will rush things. The deadline is not too far but the last couple of steps shouldn’t take us long to complete. Overall I’m very happy with things are going. Me and my partner worked hard and it is paying off. I can’t wait to start editing and beginning to see what the movie will look like. I think our movie has a lot of potential and it will look awesome. I’ll keep you guys updated.

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